
/api/4/key/overview endpoint.

  1"""`/api/4/key/overview` endpoint."""
  3from aio_taginfo.api.v4 import ObjectType, PrintingDirection, Response
  4from aio_taginfo.api.v4._internal import NonEmptyString, api_get_json, api_params
  6from aiohttp import ClientSession
  7from pydantic import Field
  8from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass
 11__all__ = (
 12    "call",
 13    "KeyOverview",
 14    "KeyDescription",
 15    "KeyObjectCount",
 16    "KeyWikiPage",
 19from aio_taginfo.api.v4.key.prevalent_values import PrevalentValue
 22@dataclass(kw_only=True, frozen=True)
 23class _Params:
 24    key: NonEmptyString = Field(repr=True)
 27async def call(
 28    key: str,
 29    session: ClientSession | None = None,
 30) -> Response["KeyOverview"]:
 31    """
 32    Show various data for given key.
 36    Args:
 37        key: tag key
 38        session: request client session
 40    Raises:
 41        TaginfoError
 42    """
 43    return await api_get_json(
 44        path="key/overview",
 45        cls=Response[KeyOverview],
 46        session=session,
 47        params=api_params(_Params, key=key),
 48    )
 51@dataclass(kw_only=True, frozen=True)
 52class KeyObjectCount:
 53    """
 54    Usage statistic of a given key for a given type of object.
 56    Attributes:
 57        type: Object type
 58        count: Number of objects with this type and key
 59        count_fraction: Number of objects in relation to all objects
 60        values: Number of different values for this key
 61    """
 63    type: ObjectType = Field(repr=True)
 64    count: int = Field(ge=0, repr=True)
 65    count_fraction: float = Field(ge=0.0, le=1.0, allow_inf_nan=False, repr=True)
 66    values: int = Field(ge=0, repr=True)
 69@dataclass(kw_only=True, frozen=True)
 70class KeyDescription:
 71    """
 72    Description of a given key in some language.
 74    Attributes:
 75        text: Description text
 76        dir: Printing direction for this language
 77    """
 79    text: str = Field(min_length=1, repr=True)
 80    dir: PrintingDirection = Field(repr=False)
 83@dataclass(kw_only=True, frozen=True)
 84class KeyWikiPage:
 85    """
 86    Language code for which a wiki page about a given key are available.
 88    Attributes:
 89        lang: Language code
 90        english: English name of this language
 91        native: Native name of this language
 92        dir: Printing direction for native name
 93    """
 95    lang: str = Field(min_length=2, repr=True)
 96    english: str = Field(min_length=1, repr=True)
 97    native: str = Field(min_length=1, repr=True)
 98    dir: PrintingDirection = Field(repr=False)
101@dataclass(kw_only=True, frozen=True)
102class KeyOverview:
103    """
104    Various data for a given key.
106    Attributes:
107        key: The tag key that was requested
108        users: Number of users last editing objects with this key
109        prevalent_values: Prevalent values ordered by count from most often used down
110        counts: Objects counts
111        description: Description of this key (hash key is language code)
112        wiki_pages: Language codes for which wiki pages about this key are available
113        has_map: Is a map with the geographical distribution of this key available?
114        projects: Number of projects mentioning this key
115    """
117    key: str = Field(min_length=1, repr=True)
118    prevalent_values: list[PrevalentValue] = Field(repr=False)
119    counts: list[KeyObjectCount] = Field(repr=False)
120    description: dict[str, KeyDescription] = Field(repr=False)
121    wiki_pages: list[KeyWikiPage] = Field(repr=False)
122    has_map: bool = Field(repr=False)
123    users: int = Field(default=0, ge=0, repr=True)
124    projects: int = Field(default=0, ge=0, repr=False)
127__docformat__ = "google"
async def call( key: str, session: aiohttp.client.ClientSession | None = None) -> aio_taginfo.api.v4.Response[KeyOverview]:
28async def call(
29    key: str,
30    session: ClientSession | None = None,
31) -> Response["KeyOverview"]:
32    """
33    Show various data for given key.
37    Args:
38        key: tag key
39        session: request client session
41    Raises:
42        TaginfoError
43    """
44    return await api_get_json(
45        path="key/overview",
46        cls=Response[KeyOverview],
47        session=session,
48        params=api_params(_Params, key=key),
49    )

Show various data for given key.

  • key: tag key
  • session: request client session
  • TaginfoError
@dataclass(kw_only=True, frozen=True)
class KeyOverview:
102@dataclass(kw_only=True, frozen=True)
103class KeyOverview:
104    """
105    Various data for a given key.
107    Attributes:
108        key: The tag key that was requested
109        users: Number of users last editing objects with this key
110        prevalent_values: Prevalent values ordered by count from most often used down
111        counts: Objects counts
112        description: Description of this key (hash key is language code)
113        wiki_pages: Language codes for which wiki pages about this key are available
114        has_map: Is a map with the geographical distribution of this key available?
115        projects: Number of projects mentioning this key
116    """
118    key: str = Field(min_length=1, repr=True)
119    prevalent_values: list[PrevalentValue] = Field(repr=False)
120    counts: list[KeyObjectCount] = Field(repr=False)
121    description: dict[str, KeyDescription] = Field(repr=False)
122    wiki_pages: list[KeyWikiPage] = Field(repr=False)
123    has_map: bool = Field(repr=False)
124    users: int = Field(default=0, ge=0, repr=True)
125    projects: int = Field(default=0, ge=0, repr=False)

Various data for a given key.

  • key: The tag key that was requested
  • users: Number of users last editing objects with this key
  • prevalent_values: Prevalent values ordered by count from most often used down
  • counts: Objects counts
  • description: Description of this key (hash key is language code)
  • wiki_pages: Language codes for which wiki pages about this key are available
  • has_map: Is a map with the geographical distribution of this key available?
  • projects: Number of projects mentioning this key
KeyOverview(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
139    def __init__(__dataclass_self__: PydanticDataclass, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
140        __tracebackhide__ = True
141        s = __dataclass_self__
142        s.__pydantic_validator__.validate_python(ArgsKwargs(args, kwargs), self_instance=s)
key: str = FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, metadata=[MinLen(min_length=1)])
prevalent_values: list[aio_taginfo.api.v4.key.prevalent_values.PrevalentValue] = FieldInfo(annotation=list[PrevalentValue], required=True, repr=False)
counts: list[KeyObjectCount] = FieldInfo(annotation=list[KeyObjectCount], required=True, repr=False)
description: dict[str, KeyDescription] = FieldInfo(annotation=dict[str, KeyDescription], required=True, repr=False)
wiki_pages: list[KeyWikiPage] = FieldInfo(annotation=list[KeyWikiPage], required=True, repr=False)
has_map: bool = FieldInfo(annotation=bool, required=True, repr=False)
users: int = 0
projects: int = 0
@dataclass(kw_only=True, frozen=True)
class KeyDescription:
70@dataclass(kw_only=True, frozen=True)
71class KeyDescription:
72    """
73    Description of a given key in some language.
75    Attributes:
76        text: Description text
77        dir: Printing direction for this language
78    """
80    text: str = Field(min_length=1, repr=True)
81    dir: PrintingDirection = Field(repr=False)

Description of a given key in some language.

  • text: Description text
  • dir: Printing direction for this language
KeyDescription(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
139    def __init__(__dataclass_self__: PydanticDataclass, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
140        __tracebackhide__ = True
141        s = __dataclass_self__
142        s.__pydantic_validator__.validate_python(ArgsKwargs(args, kwargs), self_instance=s)
text: str = FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, metadata=[MinLen(min_length=1)])
dir: aio_taginfo.api.v4.PrintingDirection = FieldInfo(annotation=PrintingDirection, required=True, repr=False)
@dataclass(kw_only=True, frozen=True)
class KeyObjectCount:
52@dataclass(kw_only=True, frozen=True)
53class KeyObjectCount:
54    """
55    Usage statistic of a given key for a given type of object.
57    Attributes:
58        type: Object type
59        count: Number of objects with this type and key
60        count_fraction: Number of objects in relation to all objects
61        values: Number of different values for this key
62    """
64    type: ObjectType = Field(repr=True)
65    count: int = Field(ge=0, repr=True)
66    count_fraction: float = Field(ge=0.0, le=1.0, allow_inf_nan=False, repr=True)
67    values: int = Field(ge=0, repr=True)

Usage statistic of a given key for a given type of object.

  • type: Object type
  • count: Number of objects with this type and key
  • count_fraction: Number of objects in relation to all objects
  • values: Number of different values for this key
KeyObjectCount(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
139    def __init__(__dataclass_self__: PydanticDataclass, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
140        __tracebackhide__ = True
141        s = __dataclass_self__
142        s.__pydantic_validator__.validate_python(ArgsKwargs(args, kwargs), self_instance=s)
type: aio_taginfo.api.v4.ObjectType = FieldInfo(annotation=ObjectType, required=True)
count: int = FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=True, metadata=[Ge(ge=0)])
count_fraction: float = FieldInfo(annotation=float, required=True, metadata=[Ge(ge=0.0), Le(le=1.0), _PydanticGeneralMetadata(allow_inf_nan=False)])
values: int = FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=True, metadata=[Ge(ge=0)])
@dataclass(kw_only=True, frozen=True)
class KeyWikiPage:
84@dataclass(kw_only=True, frozen=True)
85class KeyWikiPage:
86    """
87    Language code for which a wiki page about a given key are available.
89    Attributes:
90        lang: Language code
91        english: English name of this language
92        native: Native name of this language
93        dir: Printing direction for native name
94    """
96    lang: str = Field(min_length=2, repr=True)
97    english: str = Field(min_length=1, repr=True)
98    native: str = Field(min_length=1, repr=True)
99    dir: PrintingDirection = Field(repr=False)

Language code for which a wiki page about a given key are available.

  • lang: Language code
  • english: English name of this language
  • native: Native name of this language
  • dir: Printing direction for native name
KeyWikiPage(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
139    def __init__(__dataclass_self__: PydanticDataclass, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
140        __tracebackhide__ = True
141        s = __dataclass_self__
142        s.__pydantic_validator__.validate_python(ArgsKwargs(args, kwargs), self_instance=s)
lang: str = FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, metadata=[MinLen(min_length=2)])
english: str = FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, metadata=[MinLen(min_length=1)])
native: str = FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, metadata=[MinLen(min_length=1)])
dir: aio_taginfo.api.v4.PrintingDirection = FieldInfo(annotation=PrintingDirection, required=True, repr=False)